Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bill& Ted's excellent adventure

Bill& Ted's excellent adventure, originally uploaded by mwu0608.

Bill and Ted had a dream together to set up their own rock and roll band which called the "Wyld Sallions". Unfortunately, they could not paste their history, but if Ted did not pass their history report, he will be sending to the military school. However, a man from the future named Rufus came to help them pass their report. So, both Bill and Ted decided to gather up historical figures which they need for their report. Finally, they showed the best presentation and past the history class.
In my opinion, because of their unethical behavior it made this movie more interesting. If I have a time machine, I will like meet some famous person in the past.

1 comment:

Yuki chan said...

I like this movie too. It is really funny because their acting. If I can use i want to go my high school day.